Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 1 To Capulin, New Mexico

The first day of this year's BIG TRIP finally arrived and I don't think I could fit anything else into the RV or the ice chest. Thankfully it has been raining for a week in our area of Texas and that mainly means our neighbor, Ron, won't have to move the big bales of hay into the pasture for the horses quite as often. The gate and house was secured, the refrigerator was empty, and all our neighbors promised to stop by regularly. The kids plan to spend a night or two and keep the yard mowed. There was nothing left to do but leave.We left fairly early Thursday morning between rain squalls and passed green pastures and standing water all the way across Texas. I cannot recall ever seeing the dry land corn and cotton near Amarillo so healthy. And all the pastures are lush. Oddly enough, though, the two biggest cattle feedlots in West Texas were empty. Mike said it's because of the drought that has, until recently, covered most of the state. Many of the big ranchers have sent their cattle north, and that's evident with the abandoned empty feedlots and pastures.New Mexico was green and rainy, too, and we arrived in Capulin around 6:30 pm Mountain Time. We quickly set up the RV, ate dinner and settled in for the evening. A late afternoon shower treated us to a spectacular double rainbow right out our front door.After the rain let up, I went exploring for images on my bike and got some pretty nicely illuminated skies and buildings.Tomorrow we head out for La Veta and the train ride.