Thursday, May 28, 2009

Easy and Tuffy Part

Easy’s temporary roommate, Tuffy, left this evening for a new pasture. Carl, the builder, received Tuffy in trade for a job and needed a place to keep him for a while, and we obliged. I’ll miss him, because he’s a handsome son-of-a-gun and made an interesting model (and, yes, I have plans to paint him), but I don’t think Easy will miss him much, because he was quite domineering.

Easy was agreeable to letting him be boss, unless Dandy was around. So I had to keep the filly in a separate pasture, or the guys would fight over her. Such is the nature of the fairer sex, huh? Always causing a ruckus and keeping men in turmoil.

Georgia will miss him, too, because he learned the tag game very quickly and chased Georgia as much as she chased him. What fun!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Easy Gets a Pasturemate

I have a friend, Carl, who is temporarily boarding his horse, Tuffy, with us.
Tuffy is a buckskin paint with a domineering attitude. He's a lot of fun to ride and is really interested in Ron's cows. His original owner had "issues" about his bossiness over the other horses in the pasture, so we have been extra cautious about turning him out with my horses, especially PJ, who, being a typical mare, thinks she is boss. We were concerned about Dandy, too. Not because she would get into a fray, but because she just might inadvertently end up caught in the middle.
So Tuffy has been here a couple weeks - "talking" to PJ through 2 fences, and Easy has just returned from his adventure in San Antonio. Ron has leased the big pasture for his cows, so I have only the little South pasture, the round pen and small corral to keep horses in. Ideally I would LIKE for them all to "just get along", but that is wishing for too much. PLUS I need to feed Dandy extra because she is still a growing yearling so she needs to be separated, but within eyesight.
SOOOO it's time for "musical horses".
Ron's cows are temporarily off the big pasture because he just fertilized, so I can use the double corral with the water tank to lock up Tuffy and Easy side by side over night - separated by a stout welded fence. No problem. They sniffed noses, snorted and squealed and settled in f or the evening.
Our initial object is to get Easy and Tuffy to get along together in the South pasture. We catch Dandy and put her up safe by herself. PJ is in the round pen on her yearly Spring diet. Tuffy is released into the South pasture alone to get the lay of the land for a few minutes (do you need a program yet?). Easy watches safely from outside staying close to me (he is NOT an alpha horse).
With Tuffy still exploring, we release Easy to go investigate. Tuffy continues to ignore Easy and sniff the pasture. Finally they face one another, arch necks, squeal and kick, with Easy quickly agreeing that Tuffy is boss. (Yea, just what I expected)
Tuffy chases Easy. That's OK, because he's used to PJ on his tail constantly, and he knows where all the escape routes are.
They run the pasture together, with Easy leading
And finally they settle down to eating grass, what horses do best - no one injured and no feelings hurt.
Carl and I finally agree that the two will probably be OK for the night - and in fact will most likely keep one another in shape with all their running around.
Tomorrow we will build a small pen out of portable panels for Dandy so she can be closer, but still separate from the guys.
PJ will remain in isolation on her diet. Don't feel sorry for her - trust me. It is in her best interest....