Thursday, May 28, 2009

Easy and Tuffy Part

Easy’s temporary roommate, Tuffy, left this evening for a new pasture. Carl, the builder, received Tuffy in trade for a job and needed a place to keep him for a while, and we obliged. I’ll miss him, because he’s a handsome son-of-a-gun and made an interesting model (and, yes, I have plans to paint him), but I don’t think Easy will miss him much, because he was quite domineering.

Easy was agreeable to letting him be boss, unless Dandy was around. So I had to keep the filly in a separate pasture, or the guys would fight over her. Such is the nature of the fairer sex, huh? Always causing a ruckus and keeping men in turmoil.

Georgia will miss him, too, because he learned the tag game very quickly and chased Georgia as much as she chased him. What fun!

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