Sunday, August 30, 2009

Canyonlands National Park and Colorado River

We have decided that we don't need to go to the Grand Canyon - our views today will more that satisfy that need to see such a spectacle. Canyonlands National Park was established relatively recently - in the early 60's and its beauty rivals the Grand Canyon.The Green and Colorado Rivers merge in this park to form the main branch of the Colorado which runs through the Grand Canyon in Arizona to the south.
Canyonlands is remote - the nearest large city is Salt Lake (we are camped in Moab) - and getting here is not the easiest trip. But oddly enough we have run into more Europeans than Americans. We have met (and visited with) people from Germany, England, Austria, Belgium, Lithuania, Spain and Italy, to mention a few. All flew into San Francisco and either rented cars or RV's and are following a similar trail through the Great Southwest. Many have kids in tow (their schools don't start until mid-September) and all are happy to practice their English with us.
This evening we took a jet boat ride on the Colorado which followed with a "Dutch Oven" meal that was as good as any we have had. Since we are nearing the end of the tourist season, there was only 6 of us on the boat - one couple from Louisiana and the other from Germany - an international group if ever I saw one!
Home in 5 days!

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