Friday, August 21, 2009

Mesa Verde Cliff Dwellings

Visiting Mesa Verde Thursday left me with many more questions than answers. And not only were the structures impressive, but the trip to the top of the mesas was just as spectacular and hair-raising!
The buildings were constructed over a period of only 100 years starting around 1100 A.D. Before that time, the residents lived in the area, but on top of the Mesas, as farmers and hunters. Archeologists still speculate what encouraged the move to the cliffs and again what made them leave the area entirely 100 years later, leaving their homes undiscovered and untouched for 600 years.Hundreds of actual dwelling sites have been documented, and we explored two of the more famous ones: Balcony House and Cliff Palace. Both sites required visitors to go down a steep, hang-on-for-your-life stairway and climb up and out via wooden ladders. Mike gamely ignored his fear of heights and managed both. Good thing we have been doing some major hiking and altitude acclimation already.
Friday we explored Durango and did a bit of housekeeping and laundry. I flew in a glider - more about that later. Saturday we ride the train....

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